RVU 2013 Southern Region - analysis of data and preparation of reports.


Öppet förfarande
2014-07-04 04:42 (GMT+02:00)
2014-08-29 12:00


Statens vegvesen Region sør971032081 Statens vegvesen Region sør971032081
Maria Broome Rustad
Postboks 723 Stoa
4808 Arendal

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Kort beskrivning

The results from the national travel habit survey 2013 (RVU 2013) for the areas within the Southern Region shall be analysed, prepared and presented in separate reports. This work shall be based on an equivalent process carried out for the national travel habit survey 2009. Then separate reports were prepared for five areas, i.e. for the entire Southern Region, Buskerudbyen, Vestfoldbyen, Grenlandsbyen and Agderbyen.

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